Creation year


218 record(s)
Type of resources
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From 1 - 10 / 218
  • The data has been collected primarily for state and local government and catchment management authorities to use for flood modelling and urban planning purposes.

  • Boreholes that are available to the public (from Minerals and Petroleum's database) and Petroleum Wells that are available to the public (from Minerals and Petroleum's DbMap database) Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI

  • This project covers LaTrobe City Council and Baw Baw Shire Council Areas with 3 band (RGB) 10cm relaxed accuracy photography. Although this project was developed for acquisition in 2017-18, the photography was captured during the 2018-19 financial year. The project numbering system retains the 2017-18 financial year for management purposes.

  • Spatial dataset of Above Ground Biomass (AGB) in Victoria's public forest estate. In Victoria, forests are defined as land area greater than 0.5 ha, dominated by trees usually having a single stem and a mature or potentially mature stand height exceeding two metres and with existing or potential crown cover of overstory strata equal to or greater than 20 percent. This definition includes native forests, plantations and areas of trees sometimes described as woodlands.

  • Spatial dataset of Above Ground Biomass (AGB) in Victoria's public forest estate. In Victoria, forests are defined as land area greater than 0.5 ha, dominated by trees usually having a single stem and a mature or potentially mature stand height exceeding two metres and with existing or potential crown cover of overstory strata equal to or greater than 20 percent. This definition includes native forests, plantations and areas of trees sometimes described as woodlands.

  • Groundwater Entitlement Density is a density distribution surface of bore entitlement volume in ML/km2 across the state of Victoria.This includes the groundwater entitlement density for licensed entitlement bores and for stock and domestic bores. It is recognised that stock and domestic bores do not actually have a "licensed entitlement", however a proxy entitlement was assigned to each bore, equal to 2ML per bore per year. Licensed Entitlement bore information was sourced from Southern Rural Water, Goulburn Murray Water and Grampians-Wimmera-Mallee Water, for all metered bores. Unmetered licensed entitlement bore information was sourced from the Victorian Water Register. Stock and domestic (S&D) bore locations were derived from the Victorian Groundwater Management System (GMS).

  • Spatial dataset of Above Ground Biomass (AGB) in Victoria's public forest estate. In Victoria, forests are defined as land area greater than 0.5 ha, dominated by trees usually having a single stem and a mature or potentially mature stand height exceeding two metres and with existing or potential crown cover of overstory strata equal to or greater than 20 percent. This definition includes native forests, plantations and areas of trees sometimes described as woodlands.

  • DELWP runs a Planned Burns Program across the state with the purpose of reducing bushfire risk by reducing fuel loads across the landscape. The sites for this project are scattered across the Wimmera region and have all been burnt and are ready for capture. Acquisition of up to 20cm four band RGBI aerial photography and production of relaxed accuracy ortho-rectified true and false colour IR imagery products will be required. The imagery will be used by DELWP for fire severity and extent mapping of the Planned Burn sites. This project is for capture in Spring and is a precursor for a potential three-year project. This project will utilise a ¿Dedicated Resource¿ where Landair Surveys will dedicate, assign and mobilised to capture the Wimmera Regional sites for the Spring timeframe. A price structure has been provided as well as indicative price for the total project area.

  • Spatial dataset of Above Ground Biomass (AGB) in Victoria's public forest estate. In Victoria, forests are defined as land area greater than 0.5 ha, dominated by trees usually having a single stem and a mature or potentially mature stand height exceeding two metres and with existing or potential crown cover of overstory strata equal to or greater than 20 percent. This definition includes native forests, plantations and areas of trees sometimes described as woodlands.

  • Year 3 of a 3 year contract to capture Bendigo and a selection of townships