

86 record(s)
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From 1 - 10 / 86
  • Datasets relating to Expired Earth Resources Tenements. Specifically, MRSDA (and predecessor act) Tenements and EIDA (and predecessor act) Tenements. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI

  • Tailings Dump Licences mainly licences from 1860 to 1930 Being digitized to help in identifying land where native title claims may be rejected.

  • Extractive Industry Work Authorities under the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act (MRSDA) 1990

  • Exploration Graticules are used as the main boundaries for Exploration Licences since 1973 - AGD66 - Expires 30th June 2005

  • Exploration Licences that are no longer Active that expired since 1965. This layer is an amalgamation of ELHST and HISTVIC

  • Exploration Graticules are used as the main boundaries for Exploration Licences since 1973 - AGD66 - Expires 30th June 2005

  • The areas occur usually when part of an Exploration Licence is relinquished and the entire tenement has not expired.

  • This amalgamated layer is made up of several layers. These are: Tailings Licences - Expired (tlhst), Gold Mining Licences - Expired (gmlhst), Mineral Leases - Expired (milhst), Expired Extractive Industry Work Authorities (ewahst), Expired Mining Licences (minhst), Exploration Licences - Not Active (1973+) (elhist), Exploration Licence Moratorium Period Areas (mp), Proposed Work Authorities (wap), Mining Licences (min), Extractive Industry Work Authorities (ewa), Exploration Licences (el). The boundaries are derived from a combination of entering graticular boundaries (exact AMG co-ordinates) and digitizing along areas of land status (Minerals and Petroleum version of landmmt100) which are unable to be mined or explored. Refer to the Mineral Resources Development Act (MRDA) for more detail.

  • Mine Shaft Locations were collected by a variety of methods from 1869 in some areas of the state. Mainly concentrating in Ballarat and Bendigo. In places a shaft may be recorded multiple times with a different source. In cases where several shaft locations are shown close together (generally with separations less than stated position errors) and they have different sources, it is possible that one shaft has been mapped several times. In cases where several shaft locations are shown close together but they have the same information source, it is possible that each shaft location represents a different shaft on the ground. <a href=&#09;;>Bendigo Mines Hazard Data - a Review and History</a> The above created a dataset of around 19000 records More recently, information has been compiled from data from David Bannear - 2017 DELWP - 2017 Parks Vic - 2017 Peter Ward - 2019 - Public Contributor for the Victorian High Country Fred Sargent - 2019 to 2022 - Public Contributor for the Victorian High Country (many thousands added) Peter Quinn - 2019 to 2022 - Public contributor Source for these is marked as Private survey - and source comment contains details. Data is largely shafts. Sometimes quarries, open stopes, adits or workings. Another useful dataset is MINSITE aka Vicmine aka Mines and Mineral Occurrences (more for resource, production, reference links and mineplans)

  • Contains mostly licences from 1860 to 1930 Was digitized to help in identifying land where native title claims could be rejected.