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  • This dataset relates to the Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) 3D Surface for the Lower Mid Tertiary Aquifer. It represents the mapped extent of the aquifer. Please refer to the master metadata record VAF 'Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) 3D Surfaces' for detailed information.

  • This dataset is provide to public based on information sourced from the Department of Justice and Regulation. The data shows the areas covered by Recognition and Settlement Agreements (RSA) with traditional owner groups under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (Vic). RSA give formal recognition to traditional owner groups as the traditional owners of the agreement area. A RSA may include some or all of the following agreements - Natural Resource Agreement, Land Use Activity Agreement, Land Agreement. The area of Crown land within the RSA boundary is the area over which natural resource Authorisation Orders apply. These include the Flora and Fauna, Hunting, Forest Produce, Water and Camping Authorisation Orders. The boundary also indicates the area of Crown land over which the Land Use Activity Agreement applies. Aboriginal title with joint management arrangements (under the Land Agreement) over some Crown land parks and reserves may also apply within this boundary.

  • Energy use profiles support effective planning and targeting of energy saving and decarbonising energy supply programs and community engagement. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) has developed energy consumption profiles for Victorian Local Government Areas. This tool transforms postcode-level source data provided by the Victorian energy distributors into consumption profiles across the municipality. It provides a profile of energy use by SLA for households across the municipality. Year to year comparisons can show changing patterns of energy use for households and on a per capita and per household basis. The tool also has the capacity to incorporate Commercial and Industrial energy use and trends over time.

  • This dataset comprises all basement boreholes which have reached bedrock by passing through sedimentary sequences used for bore control of Free Air (FA) gravity data. These boreholes have been used to give better control for interpolating to FA gravity data. The dataset was compiled by GHD to inform the report 'Potential Influences of Geological Structures on Groundwater Flow Systems' for DEPI's Secure Allocation Future Entitlements (SAFE) Project.

  • This dataset consists of a series of approximate WSW to ENE oriented 'geological structures' interpreted from residual gravity bedrock depth in the Goulburn-Murray area of Victoria. These structures segment the Goulburn River Valley into an upper, middle and lower Goulburn bedrock valley system suggesting that it is a broadening out upland groundwater system for most of its length. The dataset was compiled by GHD to inform the report 'Potential Influences of Geological Structures on Groundwater Flow Systems' for DEPI's Secure Allocation Future Entitlements (SAFE) Project.

  • Energy use profiles support effective planning and targeting of energy saving and decarbonising energy supply programs and community engagement. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) has developed energy consumption profiles for Victorian Local Government Areas. This tool transforms postcode-level source data provided by the Victorian energy distributors into consumption profiles across the municipality. It provides a profile of energy use by SLA for households across the municipality. Year to year comparisons can show changing patterns of energy use for households and on a per capita and per household basis. The tool also has the capacity to incorporate Commercial and Industrial energy use and trends over time.

  • Potential Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) are ecosystems identified within the landscape as likely to be at least partly dependent on groundwater. State-wide screening analysis was performed to identify locations of potential terrestrial GDEs, including wetland areas. The GDE mapping was developed utilising satellite remote sensing data, geological data and groundwater monitoring data in a GIS overlay model. Validation of the model through field assessment has not been performed. The method has been applied for all of Victoria and is the first step in identifying potential groundwater dependent ecosystems that may be threatened by activities such as drainage and groundwater pumping. The dataset specifically covers the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CMA) area. The method used in this research is based upon the characteristics of a potential GDE containing area as one that: 1. Has access to groundwater. By definition a GDE must have access to groundwater. For GDE occurrences associated with wetlands and river systems the water table will be at surface with a zone of capillary extension. In the case of terrestrial GDE's (outside of wetlands and river systems), these are dependent on the interaction between depth to water table and the rooting depth of the vegetation community. 2. Has summer (dry period) use of water. Due to the physics of root water uptake, GDEs will use groundwater when other sources are no longer available; this is generally in summer for the Victorian climate. The ability to use groundwater during dry periods creates a contrasting growth pattern with surrounding landscapes where growth has ceased. 3. Has consistent growth patterns, vegetation that uses water all year round will have perennial growth patterns. 4. Has growth patterns similar to verified GDEs. The current mapping does not indicate the degree of groundwater dependence, only locations in the landscape of potential groundwater dependent ecosystems. This dataset does not directly support interpretation of the amount of dependence or the amount of groundwater used by the regions highlighted within the maps. Further analysis and more detailed field based data collection are required to support this. The core data used in the modelling is largely circa 1995 to 2005. It is expected that the methodology used will over estimate the extent of terrestrial GDEs. There will be locations that appear from EvapoTranspiration (ET) data to fulfil the definition of a GDE (as defined by the mapping model) that may not be using groundwater. Two prominent examples are: 1. Riparian zones along sections of rivers and creeks that have deep water tables where the stream feeds the groundwater system and the riparian vegetation is able to access this water flow, as well as any bank storage contained in the valley alluvials. 2. Forested regions that are accessing large unsaturated regolith water stores. The terrestrial GDE layer polygons are classified based on the expected depth to groundwater (ie shallow <5 m or deep >5 m). Additional landscape attributes are also assigned to each mappnig polygon. In 2011-2012 a species tolerance model was developed by Arthur Rylah Institute, collaborating with DPI, to model landscapes with ability to support GDEs and to provide a relative measure of sensitivity of those ecosystems to changes in groundwater availability and quality. Rev 1 of the GDE mapping incorporates species tolerance model attributes for each potential GDE polygon and attributes for interpreted depth to groundwater. Separate datasets and associated metadata records have been created for GDE species tolerance.

  • Geological basins for Victoria.

  • Energy use profiles support effective planning and targeting of energy saving and decarbonising energy supply programs and community engagement. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) has developed energy consumption profiles for Victorian Local Government Areas. This tool transforms postcode-level source data provided by the Victorian energy distributors into consumption profiles across the municipality. It provides a profile of energy use by SLA for households across the municipality. Year to year comparisons can show changing patterns of energy use for households and on a per capita and per household basis. The tool also has the capacity to incorporate Commercial and Industrial energy use and trends over time.

  • GMU

    This table is used by the Groundwater Resource Reporting Tool. It includes GMAs and WSPAs.