Type of resources
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Update frequencies
this is a test dataset used to trial the data loading process
This layer represents polygon coverage of Fire Management Zones across the entire State of Victoria, generally on public land. The Fire Management Zone is an area of land which provides a framework for future fuel management programs and whether fire is suitable for managing public land to provide asset protection, bushfire moderation, landscape management or planned burn exclusion. Dataset last updated 10 September 2021 with changes to regional zoning in the Hume Region (per K.Nolan). Dataset last updated 01 July 2020 with changes to regional zoning from the statewide Strategic Bushfire Management Planning process 2017-2019. Dataset last updated 20 April 2017 with changes from WCBRL (per A Boak). Dataset updated 30 Jan 2017 with changes from ECBRL (per F Wilson). Dataset updated 19 August 2016 with changes from MMGBRL (per D Prior).
this is a test dataset used to trial the data loading process
this is a test dataset used to trial the data loading process
This layer is part of Vicmap Lite and contains polygon features delineating public land areas. This Vicmap Lite dataset is suited for use between scales of 1: 250,000 and 1 : 2 million. The polygons were sourced from PLMMT100PLY. The level of attribute information, the number of features and the number of vertices has been simplified to suit the 1: 250,000 - 1 : 2 million scale range. The concept of a Scale Use Code has been introduced to help control the level of detail displayed. THIS DATASET WAS LAST UPDATED IN AUGUST 2008
dataset used in the Pin My Nature web map to show public interest in natural locations in state of Victoria
this is a test dataset used to trial the data loading process
this is a test dataset used to trial the data loading process
Polygon layer contains DELWP Land and Fire District Boundaries used for Forest and Fire Management operations.
this is a test dataset used to trial the data loading process