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this is a test dataset used to trial the data loading process
This layer is part of Vicmap Lite and contains line features representing the road network. Vicmap Lite datasets are suited for use between scales of 1: 250,000 and 1 : 5 million. The linework was sourced from Vicmap Transport. The level of attribute information, the number of features and the number of vertices has been simplified to suit the 1: 250,000 - 1 : 5 million scale range. The concept of a Scale Use Code has been introduced to help control the level of detail displayed. Search:- roads, road, track, highway, transport. THIS DATASET WAS LAST UPDATED IN DECEMBER 2015
TESTING. Based on PWSC100 Layer from 1 JAN 1992. Edited NOV 2021 to include updated declaration boundaries. Name Changed to SWSCA100 to reflect Legislation terminology and updates. Restricted release 1 JAN 2022. Full release 02DEC2022 - with edits to update Water corporation names and CMA names. Sliver polygons removed where impacting on naming.
This dataset is populated by members of the public, sharing observations of flying-foxes on the public-facing Flying-fox map. Members of the public add to this dataset via the Flying-fox map, by recording flying-fox observations, pinpointing the location and sharing additional information on flying-fox numbers, behaviour etc. Records will be vetted by DEECA before sharing on the Flying-fox map. Data will be uploaded to the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas periodically. This dataset will inform the public of recent flying-fox observations across Victoria. The dataset may also alert DEECA to newly established camps or unusual flying-fox activity.