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This dataset is a simplified version of TREE100 with areas less than 20,000,000 sqm deleted and the remaining features generalized using the bendsimplify algorithm with a 5000 metre tolerance.
This dataset is a simplified version of TREE100 with areas less than 500,000 sqm deleted and the remaining features generalized using the bendsimplify algorithm with a 100 metre tolerance.
Native Vegetation recording and spatial information used for the implementation of the procedure for the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation, giving DELWP access to the Crown Land excemption in Clause 52.17 of all local planning schemes.
Polygons delineating vegetation units defined by the Land Conservation Council (LCC). Forest species and structure are defined for each LCC Study Area.
Obsolete. This is the updated version of NVR2013_SBS_V2. The NaturePrint Strategic Biodiversity Values dataset is an objective, comprehensive and spatially explicit view of strategic biodiversity values. This dataset does more than just recognise the presence of significant biodiversity characteristics at each site, it identifies the value of a site relative to the value of all other Victorian locations. DEPI's NaturePrint initiative coordinates the development and application of datasets and techniques to enable this view. Ideally, these analyses would be based on complete information on all biodiversity and relevant ecological considerations at all places in Victoria. Given this level of information is not available, the NaturePrint approach relies on robust modelling and extrapolation from available primary data. For use on the native vegetation permitted clearing regulations, the Strategic Biodiversity Value ranking is converted to a score that enables the strategic importance of different locations to be directly compared in numerical terms (e.g. such that a location with a score of 0.4 can be considered to be twice the strategic value of a location with a score of 0.2). Version 3 of this data set is used to determine the Strategic Biodiversity Value of potential loss for the purposes of the permitted clearing regulations.
This dataset is a simplified and generalised version of the NV2005_EXTENT dataset. The parameters of the simplification and generalisation have been set to produce a a product suitable for mapping at scales above 1:2000000
This is a derived dataset that delineates the current Bioregional Conservation Status of EVCs within the modeled 1750 EVC dataset. The dataset is derived from a combination of both Victorian bioregions (VBIOREG100) and the modeled 1750 EVC dataset (NV1750_EVC), with an assigned conservation status on the basis of unique Bioregion EVC units. The dataset underpins the implementation of Victoria's Native Vegetation Management Framework, and the preparation of Regional Vegetation Plans in addition to other biodiversity planning. The dataset requires upgrading when either of the two input datasets change. Note erratum under Data Quality-Completeness-Classification
WUP for years 2013/14 - 2015/16 WUPs incorporate all commercial timber harvesting activities, (not domestic firewood) and minor produce operations where tree felling is required, associated access roading, and significant stand management operations (including thinning, reforestation and treatment of unmerchantable trees) managed or undertaken by DEPI. WUPs may incorporate other operations which involve vegetation disturbance and soil removal as determined by the Level 1 Manager.
This is one of a series of restricted layers that identifies the nesting areas for threatened Egret species and records areas where breeding was confirmed and also identifies areas where breeding may have occurred in the past. Where breeding has occurred the year and month where available are listed. The site name is also given where known.
This layer summarises VBA fauna records against a standard grid of 1 degree longitude/latitude (GDA94). Any VBA taxa record with its centre in a cell is counted as a record for that cell. The number of times a taxon has been recorded in a cell is collated in the RECORDS column. The first date and last date that a taxon has been recorded in a cell are also summarised. VBA data summarised against 10 and 5 minute grids are also available in related datasets. VBA records with a spatial accuracy worse than +/- 1 km are excluded from this layer.