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This layer contains polygon features delineating local government area boundaries prior to the 1994 amalgamations. The dataset has been superseded with the new 1994 Local Government Area boundaries All features are identified and coded according to the Australian Standard GIS - Geographic Data Interchange of feature coded digital mapping data AS2482 - 1989.
Polygons delineating vegetation units defined by the Land Conservation Council (LCC). Forest species and structure are defined for each LCC Study Area.
Vicmap Topographic Mapping 1:250 000 is a digital state wide map mosaic
Polygons delineating boundaries of Salinity Regions (not current).
Investigation Area's used in the VicPlan Mapshare site
This layer delineates the extent of Forest Cover in Victoria in 1869 based on a historial map prepared by William Slight under the direction of R.Bough-Smyth FGS in 1866 and revised by A.Everett in 1869.
1:50 000 Mapgrid of Australia Boundaries.
1:250 000 map boundaries used for reference purposes. These are an amalgam of 1:100 000 map boundaries edited to include narrow strips on the Victorian border that would otherwise be on a separate mapsheet.
This layer delineates broad agricultural land uses in Victoria. LUSE250_1991 was created by manually interpreting 1991 LANDSAT TM satellite data and incorporating forest cover boundaries from FORCOV500-87. The land use boundaries have been registered to 1:500,000 topographic features. (not current - see revised LANDUSE250)
Index of Vicmap Published pre 2000