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This 2020-21 Coordinated Imagery Program (CIP) project represents a 10cm 3 band (RGB) aerial photography project over selected towns in rural Western Victoria. This MGA54 photography is available in both GDA94 and GDA2020 datums.
GEDIS REFID: 32783; SOURCE MAP: G32783_geology_Aberfeldy_50k_colour.tif; SUBJECT: WILLMAN, C.E., MORAND, V.J., TAYLOR, D.H. and VANDENBERG, A.H.M., 2006. Aberfeldy 1:50,000 geological map. Geological Survey of Victoria.
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.
This dataset contains polygon features representing overlay controls for all Victorian planning schemes. Overlays reflect specific characteristics of land in an area, such as areas of significant vegetation or heritage value. This layer is attributed with: - scheme code - zone number - zone status - zone code - LGA name - LGA code
Part of the Vicmap Admin dataset series. This dataset contains the Victorian Government Regional Departmental Boundaries as defined by Local Government Victoria, Dept. of Planning & Community Development (DPCD). There are eight regions. Aligned to Road Network - Vicmap Transport.
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.
Derived from the standard Melway images as provided by Melway Publishing to DELWP for internal use within Victorian Government, its agencies and instrumentalities. Melway Edition 45 - 2018. http://www.melway.com.au/
Captured as part of the 2020-21 Multi-Epoch imagery in Late Autumn, this Coordinated Imagery Program (CIP) project represents the continuation of previous Melbourne Multi-Epoch capture projects. This represents a 3-band RGB aerial photography capture over the Greater Melbourne area across three epochs: Spring 2020, Summer / Early Autumn 2020/21 and Late Autumn / Early Winter 2021. Images are captured at 10cm resolution and a high accuracy (+/- 2 pixels at 1 sigma RMSE). The nominal capture windows have changed slightly with repsect to previous epochs to acknowledge increasing difficulties in capturing during bushfire season. The first and last epochs are of identical extent to one another but smaller in area than the main Summer epoch. Due to the multi-epoch nature of the project, ongoing delivery and special reporting requirements are specified including the provision of sortie shapefiles.
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.