Type of resources
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Recreation historic relic dataset describes historic relics suitable for public visitation (such as timber tramways, old sawmill sites etc) that are promoted for visitation. The recreation historic relics within State Forest have been captured and recorded with a Trimble Pro XR GPS and are actively promoted to the public and maintained by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. * recweb
EPA maintains a searchable list of properties issued with a certificate or statement of environmental audit in accordance with sections 53V and 53X of the Environment Protection Act. A certificate of environmental audit is issued for a property where, following an audit, an environmental auditor believes the environmental condition of the land is suitable for any beneficial use. EPA Environmental Audits most commonly take place when land is proposed for new use and is potentially contaminated, or if it is already covered by an Environmental Audit Overlay. This dataset mirrors the audit data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website interaction portal.
Recreation carpark dataset describes recreation carparks (such as those at picnic/camping sites and at walking trailheads) within State Forest. The recreation carparks within State Forest have been captured and recorded with a Trimble Pro XR GPS and are actively promoted to the public and maintained by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. * recweb
Land Status - Geothermal Energy Resources Act (GERA) - Water Authority Land (subset of PLM100_POLYGON)
Groundwater Quality Restricted Use Zones (GQRUZ) are areas where there has been historic groundwater pollution as a result of previous industrial or other activities. These zones have been subject to clean up in line with the relevant environmental standards. However, restrictions remain on what the water can be used for if it is extracted via a groundwater bore. A GQRUZ remains when attempts have been made to clean up the groundwater at the affected site, but full clean-up was not possible - as it is often difficult to remove 100 per cent of groundwater pollution. It also may be impractical to clean up groundwater to the level needed to restore it to its original condition. EPA then identifies restrictions that should remain on how the water can be used without further treatment. GQRUZ do not represent a comprehensive list of all sites where groundwater quality may not be suitable for use. Rather, they represent locations where EPA has formally recognised that groundwater is polluted, following site investigations under EPA's environmental audit program. Other sources of information on groundwater quality include EPA's Priority Sites Register, which lists sites which are currently undergoing clean-up under EPA's compliance and enforcement activities. This dataset mirrors the GQRUZ data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website interaction portal.
Land Status - Geothermal Energy Resources Act (GERA) - Commonwealth Land (subset of PLM100_POLYGON)
Groundwater Quality Restricted Use Zones (GQRUZ) are areas where there has been historic groundwater pollution as a result of previous industrial or other activities. These zones have been subject to clean up in line with the relevant environmental standards. However, restrictions remain on what the water can be used for if it is extracted via a groundwater bore. A GQRUZ remains when attempts have been made to clean up the groundwater at the affected site, but full clean-up was not possible - as it is often difficult to remove 100 per cent of groundwater pollution. It also may be impractical to clean up groundwater to the level needed to restore it to its original condition. EPA then identifies restrictions that should remain on how the water can be used without further treatment. GQRUZ do not represent a comprehensive list of all sites where groundwater quality may not be suitable for use. Rather, they represent locations where EPA has formally recognised that groundwater is polluted, following site investigations under EPA's environmental audit program. Other sources of information on groundwater quality include EPA's Priority Sites Register, which lists sites which are currently undergoing clean-up under EPA's compliance and enforcement activities. This dataset mirrors the GQRUZ data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website interaction portal.
This dataset contains footprints showing the geographic extent of each web service published by DELWP's Image Web Server application (access restricted to authorised users). This layer is used as an index of imagery datasets published through this application. ***This layer can not be exported in MAPINFO TAB format from Spatial Datamart. MapInfo users are asked to use the MID/MIF file export format.*** This dataset is currently in dev/uat phase as part of ESS transformation program to the AWS Cloud and migrating from the legacy 8 Nicholson St HostedIWSto the new AWS hosted Raster Data Platform (RDP) and IWS. This will be managed and maintained by EDS team, thus the dataset will be published in CORPORATE schema
The photo extra dataset describes photos taken of trails and extra photos of sites within State Forest. All photo extras within State Forest have been captured and recorded with a Trimble Pro XR GPS and maintained by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. * recweb
Recreation hut dataset describes huts within State forest. The recreation huts within State Forest have been captured and recorded with a Trimble Pro XR GPS and are actively promoted to the public and maintained by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. * recweb