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  • The photography was captured to be used for council business such as: asset mapping, analysis and assistance with everyday corporate GIS enquiries and printing, planning, building, etc. The orthorectified imagery includes 3 visible bands (RGB). The imagery is tiled into 1km tiles and available in both TIFF and ECW compressed formats. A 1 metre gridded DEM and 50cm contours derived from LiDAR were generated over Benalla.

  • Flood photography for DSE Office of Water

  • River condition in Victoria is assessed every 5 years using the Index of Stream Condition (ISC). The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) has developed a methodology to assess components of the ISC using remote sensing techniques, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. As such, a State Wide mapping project was undertaken in 2009-12 to accurately map the riparian vegetation and physical form components (metrics) of the ISC using LiDAR and imagery data. Remote sensing data collected includes 15cm true colour infra-red aerial photography and four return multi-pulse LiDAR data. These were used to derive a range of standard and non-standard physical form and riparian vegetation raster datasets. The project was managed on a CMA by CMA basis with all source and derived datasets being organised this way. In addition to the remote sensing and derived raster products, a set of vector products and tabular data has also been generated. These further represent and define the physical form and riparian characteristics of the ISC rivers and contain the ISC scoring data. Keywords: River, ISC, Victoria, LiDAR, Riparian, Physical Form, Vegetation, Elevation

  • 2009 Pre & Post Fire Imagery - SPOT

  • 2010-11 Mildura Imagery - Worldview 2

  • Fuel reduction burn aerial photography

  • Full waveform LiDAR and orthorectified aerial photography were captured over the six Victorian alpine resorts between November 2011 and January 2012. The LiDAR was used to generate a 1m gridded digitial elevation model and 0.5 metre contours with a vertical accuracy of +/- 20cm. Road centre lines and building footprints within the resort areas were also created from the aerial photography. The primary purpose of this information is to inform the assement of bushfire risk and planning of new development in the alpine resort areas.

  • 2010 Rapideye

  • 2005-10 Mallee Multi-epoch NDVI generation - Landsat

  • 2012 Broken Creek flood pulse Photography for DSE Office of Water