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2008-9 City of Knox Project
2008-9 Phillip Island and Wonthaggi Project
Estimated long-term mean annual temperature interpolated to a 20m grid cell using the DEM20 layer and the ANUCLIM software.
Captured as part of the 2008-9 CIP for Mallee CMA and Shire of Buloke for planning and GIS visualisation purposes, this imagery consists of 3 band of visible RGB plus a 4th Infra Red band.
Portland Landsat 5 - TM - 2009
100m slope grid derived from elevation data created by resampling VICMAP_ELEVATION_DTM_20M to 100m.
Thiessen polygons were generated for climate stations point locations for Victoria, and attributed with the station ID. Polygons were rasterised based on resamling VICMAP_ELEVATION_DTM_20M to 100m. Site information was obtained from the Queensland Department Natural Resources SILO website (http://www.nrw.qld.gov.au/silo/ppd).
Fastlook 3 Band (RGB) photography over wildfire areas
Orbost Landsat 5 - TM - 2009
The 2008-9 Greater Melbourne Urban LiDAR Project consists of high accuracy LiDAR data covering outer Melbourne Water districts (Greater Melbourne) including small priority areas. From the raw LiDAR data, a suite of elevation products was generated including 1m DEM and 0.5m Contours and classified LiDAR strikes. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an airborne remote sensing technique for rapid collection of terrain data. The sensor used for this LiDAR project collected XYZ and Intensity data for first and last return by bouncing a pulse from the aircraft to the surface that enables the height and intensity values to be calculated. Project Products: DEM, Contours, LiDAR Strikes