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  • This polyline dataset represents the centreline of active tourist/heritage railway corridors in Victoria. The dataset inclues the Bellarine Penninsula Tourist Railway, Daylesford Spa Country Tourist Railway, Mornington Tourist Railway, Puffing Billy Tourist Railway, South Gippsland Tourist Railway, Victorian Goldfields Railway, Walhalla Goldfields Tourist Railway and Yarra Valley Tourist Railway. The railways are run by non-profit groups who are mainly volunteers and rely on strong community involvement and support. The dataset does not include several miniture railways and tramways also found in Victoria.

  • This layer contains polygons defining the spatial extent, species distribution and density of seagrass meadows within Mallacoota Inlet mapped from 1999 aerial photography and ground-truthing.

  • This dataset represents road elements of the Victorian Principal Freight Network (PFN) as presented in Victoria the Freight State 2013. The Principal Freight Network (PFN) was defined in the 2008 Freight Futures document as "The Principal Freight Network is the part of the larger transport network over which the movement of heavy freight will be concentrated. This will be achieved by upgrading the capacity of the network to move freight and by ensuring that the network is managed to reduce freight travel time and increase the reliability of freight movement."

  • This point dataset represents active rail stations in Victoria. It includes railway stations served by Metro services, V/Line services and interstate passenger services to Sydney and Adelaide (the XPT and Overland rail service). The data may also include any "under construction" stations. The data includes attributes which identify if the station is used by Metro services, V/Line services and interstate passenger services. The attributes also the StopID, ticket zone and if the station is a premium station.

  • This polyline dataset represents the Victorian Taxi and Hire Car Zones. These zones were effective 30 June 2014. Victoria's system of taxi zones comprises the following four zones: - metropolitan - urban and large regional (urban) - regional - country. The updated zones allow taxis outside of Melbourne to work across a broader geographic area, in reaction to public demand. This system provides new opportunities and flexibility for taxis particularly in non-metropolitan areas. Taxi operating conditions and fares vary between zones. The zones system determines: - the annual fee for new taxi and hire car licences - what fare structure may be applicable in taxis - the driver accreditation requirements that may apply. Determination of Taxi Boundaries 2014 was announced on 12 June 2014 following the publication of the Victorian Government Gazette.

  • This point layer represents the location of station entrances for the Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project. It inclues entrances for the stations at North Melbourne (Arden), Parkville, State Library (CBD North), Town Hall (CBD South) and Anzac (Domain). The Concept Design shown in this data reflects the indicative design shown in the Project's Environmental and Effects Statement (EES) which was publicly circulated with the community in May 2016. The Metro Tunnel Project comprises two twin 9 kilometre tunnels with five new underground stations, including two city stations directly connected to Flinders Street and Melbourne Central. It will connect the Sunbury and Cranbourne / Pakenham lines for the first time, creating a new end-to-end train line through the inner city. Construction of the Metro Tunnel began in 2017 and it is due to be completed by 2026. The Metro Tunnel Project comprises various works packages. As the project progresses and designs are further developed and approved, an updated dataset will be made available.

  • The Principal Freight Network (PFN) is a strategic network of current and recognised future freight places and connecting movement corridors (road and rail) which are nationally, state and/or regionally significant. The PFN places and corridors are where freight of significant quantity, value or importance is generated, stored, distributed, handled or carried. This dataset depicts road corridors which form part of the PFN. PFN Road Corridors are classified as: PFN Road: a road corridor that forms part of the PFN PFN Road - committed future removal: a road corridor that will be removed from the PFN upon the completion of the relevant funded project PFN Road - in delivery: a road corridor that has committed funding and is in delivery PFN Road - planned: a potential road corridor identified for inclusion on the future PFN once funded PFN Road - area for potential PFN (polygons): an area identified that will contain a future road corridor that will form part of the PFN once funded The purpose of the PFN is to facilitate the efficient, safe, sustainable and economic movement of freight in Victoria and enable future growth of the freight task on the Victorian transport network by: 1) GUIDING future transport network and land use planning and infrastructure investment to ensure consideration and prioritisation of freight. 2) PROTECTING the principal freight network and future capacity of this network through appropriate legislation, planning scheme and policy provision. 3) INTEGRATING multi-modal supply chains and end-to-end supply chains to achieve productivity gains and industry competitiveness. The PFN was reviewed and updated in 2021 through consultation with local government and industry, building on the previous PFN which was last updated in 2013.

  • This polyline dataset represents the centreline of disused rail corridors in Victoria. This includes track sections which are given a status of either "Closed" or "Minimum Maintenance". Some of these corridors are within existing VicTrack reserves, however others have been disposed of or were private tracks which are now disused. Some of these corridors now serve as rail trails.

  • This layer presents the spatial extent, species distribution and density of seagrass/submerged aquatic vegetation at Gippsland Lakes mapped from 1997 aerial photography and field observations.

  • This layer defines the approximate spatial extent, species distribution and density of seagrass and macroalgae in Western Port mapped from aerial photography in 1994 by the EPA.