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The ISC2010_FRAGMENTATION_R table is the Statistical Summary table for the Fragmentation Metric at the Reach level. The ISC2010_FRAGMENTATION_R table is designed to JOIN to the ISC2010_RIVER_CENTRELINES_R feature class. River condition in Victoria is assessed every 5 years using the Index of Stream Condition (ISC). The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) developed a methodology to assess the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation components of the ISC using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. A State Wide mapping project was undertaken in 2010-13 to accurately map the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation metrics of the ISC . Other ISC metrics were not assessed in the project and were derived from other sources. The Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation Metric products are a combination of mapped Vector and Raster data as well as Tabular Summary Statistics about the mapped features. In the context of the project, the term Metrics is used to refer to both the mapped features and the summary statistics. Remote sensing data used includes 15cm true colour and infra-red aerial photography and four return multi-pulse LiDAR data. This source data was used to derive a variety of Raster data sets including Digital Terrain Models, Slope, Vegetation Height and Vegetation Cover. The Digital Terrain and Slope rasters were used to map Physical Form metrics including Stream Bed, Top of Bank and River Centre Lines while the Vegetation Height and Cover rasters were used to map the Riparian Vegetation metrics. The Project Report "Aerial Remote Sensing for Physical Channel Form and Riparian Vegetation Mapping" describes the remote sensing and mapping approach used to create this data set.
Coal seam roof contoured at 10 m. <a href=	http://er-info.dpi.vic.gov.au/publications/documentation/geovic_3/earth_resources/coal_model_modelled_seam_descriptions_2011.html	>Link to Further Coal Seam model Information</a> <a href=	http://geology.data.vic.gov.au/CoalResource/	>Link to Coal Model Data (works in firefox , but not internet explorer)</a>
This project captures 8cm resolution 4 band (RGBi) photography over Yarra City Council
The ISC2010_STRUCTURE1_R table is the Statistical Summary table for the Structure1 Metric at the Reach level. Structure 1 represents Vegetation Cover for two grouped height categories: Shrubs which are defined as vegetation in the height range 1.5m to 5m and Trees which are defined as vegetation with height greater than 5m. Structure 1 is assessed within the 40m riparian zone. The ISC2010_STRUCTURE1_R table is designed to JOIN to the ISC2010_RIVER_CENTRELINES_R feature class. River condition in Victoria is assessed every 5 years using the Index of Stream Condition (ISC). The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) developed a methodology to assess the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation components of the ISC using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. A State Wide mapping project was undertaken in 2010-13 to accurately map the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation metrics of the ISC . Other ISC metrics were not assessed in the project and were derived from other sources. The Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation Metric products are a combination of mapped Vector and Raster data as well as Tabular Summary Statistics about the mapped features. In the context of the project, the term Metrics is used to refer to both the mapped features and the summary statistics. Remote sensing data used includes 15cm true colour and infra-red aerial photography and four return multi-pulse LiDAR data. This source data was used to derive a variety of Raster data sets including Digital Terrain Models, Slope, Vegetation Height and Vegetation Cover. The Digital Terrain and Slope rasters were used to map Physical Form metrics including Stream Bed, Top of Bank and River Centre Lines while the Vegetation Height and Cover rasters were used to map the Riparian Vegetation metrics. The Project Report "Aerial Remote Sensing for Physical Channel Form and Riparian Vegetation Mapping" describes the remote sensing and mapping approach used to create this data set.
The ISC2010_STRUCTURE2_S table is the Statistical Summary table for the Structure2 Metric at the 100m Section level. Structure 2 represents vertical vegetation layering or structure and considers 6 height intervals: 1.5m to 5m, 5m to 10m, 10m to 15m, 15m to 20m, 20m to 25m and >25m. The ISC2010_STRUCTURE2_S table is designed to JOIN to the ISC2010_RIVER_CENTRELINES_S feature class. River condition in Victoria is assessed every 5 years using the Index of Stream Condition (ISC). The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) developed a methodology to assess the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation components of the ISC using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. A State Wide mapping project was undertaken in 2010-13 to accurately map the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation metrics of the ISC . Other ISC metrics were not assessed in the project and were derived from other sources. The Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation Metric products are a combination of mapped Vector and Raster data as well as Tabular Summary Statistics about the mapped features. In the context of the project, the term Metrics is used to refer to both the mapped features and the summary statistics. Remote sensing data used includes 15cm true colour and infra-red aerial photography and four return multi-pulse LiDAR data. This source data was used to derive a variety of Raster data sets including Digital Terrain Models, Slope, Vegetation Height and Vegetation Cover. The Digital Terrain and Slope rasters were used to map Physical Form metrics including Stream Bed, Top of Bank and River Centre Lines while the Vegetation Height and Cover rasters were used to map the Riparian Vegetation metrics. The Project Report "Aerial Remote Sensing for Physical Channel Form and Riparian Vegetation Mapping" describes the remote sensing and mapping approach used to create this data set.
The ISC2010_TOP_OF_BANK line features represent the leveled left and right banks of the river channel. The bank lines have been leveled to the height of lower bank. This data set represents full River Reaches. River condition in Victoria is assessed every 5 years using the Index of Stream Condition (ISC). The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) developed a methodology to assess the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation components of the ISC using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. A State Wide mapping project was undertaken in 2010-13 to accurately map the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation metrics of the ISC . Other ISC metrics were not assessed in the project and were derived from other sources. The Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation Metric products are a combination of mapped Vector and Raster data as well as Tabular Summary Statistics about the mapped features. In the context of the project, the term Metrics is used to refer to both the mapped features and the summary statistics. Remote sensing data used includes 15cm true colour and infra-red aerial photography and four return multi-pulse LiDAR data. This source data was used to derive a variety of Raster data sets including Digital Terrain Models, Slope, Vegetation Height and Vegetation Cover. The Digital Terrain and Slope rasters were used to map Physical Form metrics including Stream Bed, Top of Bank and River Centre Lines while the Vegetation Height and Cover rasters were used to map the Riparian Vegetation metrics. The Project Report "Aerial Remote Sensing for Physical Channel Form and Riparian Vegetation Mapping" describes the remote sensing and mapping approach used to create this data set.
The ISC2010_STREAMBED_WIDTH polygon features represent the width between the Toe of each opposing bank for each River Reach. River condition in Victoria is assessed every 5 years using the Index of Stream Condition (ISC). The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) developed a methodology to assess the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation components of the ISC using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. A State Wide mapping project was undertaken in 2010-13 to accurately map the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation metrics of the ISC . Other ISC metrics were not assessed in the project and were derived from other sources. The Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation Metric products are a combination of mapped Vector and Raster data as well as Tabular Summary Statistics about the mapped features. In the context of the project, the term Metrics is used to refer to both the mapped features and the summary statistics. Remote sensing data used includes 15cm true colour and infra-red aerial photography and four return multi-pulse LiDAR data. This source data was used to derive a variety of Raster data sets including Digital Terrain Models, Slope, Vegetation Height and Vegetation Cover. The Digital Terrain and Slope rasters were used to map Physical Form metrics including Stream Bed, Top of Bank and River Centre Lines while the Vegetation Height and Cover rasters were used to map the Riparian Vegetation metrics. The Project Report "Aerial Remote Sensing for Physical Channel Form and Riparian Vegetation Mapping" describes the remote sensing and mapping approach used to create this data set.
The ISC2010_BANK_CONDITION_S table is the Statistical Summary table for the Bank Condition Metric at the 100m Section level. The Bank Condition Metric is an assessment of the proportion of the bank face that is eroding above expected rates. The ISC2010_BANK_CONDITION_S table is designed to JOIN to the ISC2010_RIVER_CENTRELINES_S feature class. River condition in Victoria is assessed every 5 years using the Index of Stream Condition (ISC). The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) developed a methodology to assess the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation components of the ISC using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. A State Wide mapping project was undertaken in 2010-13 to accurately map the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation metrics of the ISC . Other ISC metrics were not assessed in the project and were derived from other sources. The Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation Metric products are a combination of mapped Vector and Raster data as well as Tabular Summary Statistics about the mapped features. In the context of the project, the term Metrics is used to refer to both the mapped features and the summary statistics. Remote sensing data used includes 15cm true colour and infra-red aerial photography and four return multi-pulse LiDAR data. This source data was used to derive a variety of Raster data sets including Digital Terrain Models, Slope, Vegetation Height and Vegetation Cover. The Digital Terrain and Slope rasters were used to map Physical Form metrics including Stream Bed, Top of Bank and River Centre Lines while the Vegetation Height and Cover rasters were used to map the Riparian Vegetation metrics. The Project Report "Aerial Remote Sensing for Physical Channel Form and Riparian Vegetation Mapping" describes the remote sensing and mapping approach used to create this data set.
The East Gippsland Fire imagery was captured with the Leica ADS 80 camera in RGB and IR bands. Parts of the main body of the fire complex was captured in overlapping E-W and N-S runs providing multiple views of the same area. The image products include orthorectified L2 image strips, Overview Mosaics and TIFF tiles. Raw L1 strips are also available to support stereo interpretation.There are 6 discreet blocks or incidents that are included in this project: Block1: Tamboritha, Block 2: Timbarra-Gil Groggin, Block 3: Goongerah-Deddick Trail, Block 4: Goongerah-Club Terrace, Block 5: Combienbar-Errinundra River and Block 6: Misery Spur.
8cm, 3band (RGB) photography captured for Yarra, Stonnington and Glen Eira Local Councils