Native Vegetation - Modelled 1750 Ecological Vegetation Classes (with Bioregional Conservation Status)
This is a derived dataset that delineates the current Bioregional Conservation Status of EVCs within the modeled 1750 EVC
The dataset is derived from a combination of both Victorian bioregions (VBIOREG100) and the modeled 1750 EVC dataset (NV1750_EVC),
with an assigned conservation status on the basis of unique Bioregion EVC units.
The dataset underpins the implementation of Victoria's Native Vegetation Management Framework, and the preparation of Regional
Vegetation Plans in addition to other biodiversity planning.
The dataset requires upgrading when either of the two input datasets change.
Note erratum under Data Quality-Completeness-Classification
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2010) Native Vegetation - Modelled 1750 Ecological Vegetation Classes (with Bioregional Conservation Status) Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
- Description
- Temporal
- Spatial
- Maintenance
- Format
- Contacts
- Keywords
- Constraints
- Lineage
- Metadata Constraints Metadata Constraints
- Quality
- Acquisition Info
- Raster Data Details
- Raster Type Details
- Point Cloud Data Details
- Contour Data Details
- Survey Details
- Title
- Native Vegetation - Modelled 1750 Ecological Vegetation Classes (with Bioregional Conservation Status)
- Alternate title
- Purpose
- This layer has been developed particularly to support revegetation of native vegetation in cleared landscapes.
- Credit
- Fiona Ferwerda Cameron Williams David Payne
- Supplemental Information
- History: First creation of this dataset is proposed for January 2008 Relationship to other Datasets: This dataset is part of a series of native vegetation datasets, which have the following naming convention - NV{year}-ATTRIBUTE(s): NV2005_EXTENT - Modelled extent of native vegetation (very broad categories) NV1750_EVC - Mapped pre 1750 ecological vegetation classes (EVCs) distribution NV1750_EVCBCS - Mapped pre1750 EVC distribution with Bioregional Conservation Status derived from NV1750_EVC and VBIOREGION100 and depletion statistics, also contains pre1750 geographic occurrence of EVCs NV2005_EVCBCS - Extant EVC distribution with Bioregional Conservation Status derived from NV1750_EVCBCS and NV2005_EXTENT , also contains pre1750 geographic occurrence NV2005_QUAL - Modelled Native Vegetation Quality - includes modelled site condition and patch-based landscape context NV2005_LSIMP - Landscape Scale native vegetation importance and connectivity derived from NV2005_EVCBCS, NV2005_QUAL and landscape connectivity Current Design Issues: This dataset is recreated whenever one of the two source datasets change ie. VBIOREGION100 and NV1750_EVC. It is also dependent on the availability of current Bioregional conservation status assessments which are made based on depletion in extent of EVCs since 1750 and current condition of EVCs Future Design Issues: . Related Documents: An Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia: a framework for. - R. Thackway and I.D.Cresswell (1995) (eds) Australian Nature Conservation Agency, Canberra. Metadata for NV1750_EVC and VBIOREG100 EVC Benchmark descriptions on the DSE external website (
- Status
- Completed
- Horizontal Accuracy
- 100m
- Code
- 4283
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Title
- DIGITAL Oracle/SDE DIGITAL Arc/Info Coverage DIGITAL Arc/Info Grid 10
Point of contact
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
Biodiversity Info
(Biodiversity Info)
PO Box 500
East Melbourne
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
- Topic category
- Biota
- Use limitation
- General DSE CGDL data licence applies This is a landscape scale dataset, site verification is required for site based projects Planning or investment decisions at the site-scale should use some form of ground-truthing.
- Classification
- Unclassified
- License type
- DELWP Data License
- License type
- Restricted
- Statement
- Dataset Source: This is a derived dataset see source datasets for history. When either of the source datasets change this dataset is rederived. The dataset is derived from a combination of Victorian bioregions (VBIOREGION100), and Pre 1750 EVCS (NV1750_EVC). Bioregional conservation status & geographic occurrence is applied to unique Bioregion EVC units. The boundaries and key attributes from the source datasets are found in this derived dataset. The key attributes, Bioregional Conservation Status (EVC_BCS) and Geographic Occurrence (EVC_GO) of EVCs, have been assigned to Bioregion/EVC combinations on the basis of an expert interpretation of statistical and spatial information by Alison Oates & David Parkes, Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services, DSE with the support of other DSE staff. The source information for these two attributes is maintained in a separate database that is linked to the NV1750_EVC/NV2005_EXTANT/VBIOREG100 combination dataset to create NV2005_EVCBCS. The source table is maintained by Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services The approach to assessing bioregional conservation status and geographic occurrence of vegetation types (Ecological Vegetation Classes) is described in Appendix 2 of DSE's, 'Victorias Native Vegetation Management - A Framework for Action', 2002. Dataset Originality: Derived
- Description
- Collection Method: API Flora & Fauna Branch Two-way Analysis Tables to determine species groupings. Existing CGDL EVC100 dataset.
- Description
- NV1750_EVC is intersected with VBIOREGION100 and Bioregional Conservation and Geographic Occurrence attributes are populated for each Bioregion-EVC combination
Metadata Constraints Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Attribute Quality
- Comments
- Refer to Metadata for NV1750_EVC and VBIOREGION100
Positional Accuracy
- Comments
- Refer to Metadata for NV1750_EVC and VBIOREGION100
Conceptual Consistency
- Comments
- Not Known
Missing Data
- Comments
- As of March 1998 the dataset covers EVC mapping for the Central Highlands RFA area, East Gippsland RFA area and North-East RFA area. As of August 2004 the dataset covers 100% of the state. (see metadata for the source datasets for more information)
Excess Data
- Comments
- erratum - The following BioEVCs have been incorrectly attributed for BCS in the current version of the dataset (March 2008). In all cases BCS should be changed from Least Concern to Rare HSF_0027 (Blackthorn Scrub), EGU_0028 (Rocky Outcrop Shrubland), HFE_0028 ( Rocky Outcrop Shrubland), HNF_0028 (Rocky Outcrop Shrubland), EGU_0073 (Rocky Outcrop Shrubland/Rocky Outcrop Herbland Mosaic), HSF_0073 (Rocky Outcrop Shrubland/Rocky Outcrop Herbland Mosaic), EGL_0028 (Rocky Outcrop Shrubland)
Graphic Overview of Data Footprint
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